Asthma is a very serious disease that often has symptoms that seem to be quite minimal, but in fact, could be the cause of many heart attacks. The lung is the primary organ affected by asthma, and when this happens the body will need immediate medical attention, even if the symptoms are extremely mild. In this case, it is vital to discover the exact cause of asthma and its progression, before it becomes uncontrollable and can lead to a heart attack.

Just as all cases of allergy are treatable, so are those of asthma in asthmatic people. It is important to not only identify the underlying cause of asthma, but also the triggers that trigger an attack. In the majority of cases, an asthma attack is a reaction to the asthma medication, but in certain instances, it can also be the result of the surrounding environment.

The initial symptoms of asthma are quite easy to identify. Symptoms include difficulty breathing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. There is the usual swelling of the airway, but it can also show up as pain in the chest, frequent coughing, asthma-like nausea, and a feeling of choking.

When the condition of asthma is left untreated, the patient is likely to suffer from other respiratory illnesses such as colds, flu, bronchitis, and pneumonia. This will also cause weight loss, which may also trigger more attacks. Asthma can be triggered even by the weather.

If asthma medication is not taken properly or the right dose is not taken, a dangerous condition called pseudo-asthmatic is likely to develop. This is where the patient experiences symptoms similar to those of asthma, but it is only a mild form of the condition. At times the reactions to medications can make asthma worse, which is why it is important to follow instructions exactly and do not delay in taking your medication or getting treatment when you need it.

Not all forms of asthma are linked to chronic health problems. People who have asthma that is mild and more manageable should not be put on anti-inflammatory drugs, rather, they should be encouraged to practice good health habits, including keeping fit and eating healthy. By avoiding tobacco and staying away from the possibility of allergens, there is less chance of developing serious symptoms of asthma.

A person with mild asthma can use eczema triggers as a method of controlling their condition. Eczema triggers may include weather conditions, certain foods, certain environments, certain chemicals, and irritants in the air. Eczema triggers are very helpful in relieving mild to moderate asthma symptoms.

There are also many things that can cause asthma and not trigger it. For example, the possibility of other symptoms and asthma triggers is greater when the individual smokes. Therefore, the smoker is more likely to develop a more severe form of asthma than a non-smoker.

Patients who smoke should quit the habit as soon as possible since many studies have shown that when you quit smoking the chances of developing asthma are greatly reduced. Also, those who suffer from asthma should avoid cigarettes completely. This is a very simple way to decrease the risk of developing asthma in children and pregnant women.

Many other factors that can trigger an attack include strenuous exercise, dust, cigarette smoke, allergic reactions, colds, and flu. The cause and severity of these triggers vary from person to person, so it is important to discuss your condition with your doctor and try to identify what the triggers are that are causing you the most trouble.

No matter what type of asthma is present, if the causes are not identified then an attack can occur. The sooner the cause is found and taken care of, the better the chances are of controlling the disease.

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